Compra Venta de Articulos varios >> >> venta nokia n95 8gbplaystation 3 80gbhtc tytn

venta: nokia n95 8gb,playstation 3 80gb,htc tytn

ubicación USA
electronic trading company
registered no. -56
address: texas,usa. we have all brands of mobile phones/plasma tv/ laptops/for sell at cheap and affordable prices, they ranges from nokia/samsung/lg/sony ericsson/motorola/alcatel/panasonic, all brands and models of nextel phones, we want you to get back to us with your quote so
that we can begin a good business relationship. we want you to know that all phones are brand new phones,with complete
accessories,unlocked and sealed. we want to assure you that you will never regret buying or doing business with us because the delivery will be to your doorstep via fedex,ups,or dhl courier service. we will want to use this medium to inform all that we are registered company and doing business with us will bring you joy and happiness. new nokia
new nokia n95 $400usd
new nokia n75 $300usd
new nokia 7373 $210usd
new nokia 7390 $280usd
new nokia n93 $230usd
new nokia n92 $190usd
new nokia n91 $180usd
new nokia n90 $150u

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Neuquén USA


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