Empleos, Pedidos, ofrecidos, Trabajo >> Informático, Programador >> multi media judge argentina

multi media judge- argentina

ubicación Buenos Aires
hours: up to 20 hours a week
position type: vendor/freelancer
rate of pay: 8. 18 usd per hour
as an image/video judge you will be a key participant in helping determihe relevance of search results. the role involves detailed reviewing, evaluation and feedback of images/videos based on an objective set of guidelines using onliools. the ability to quickly identify and assess content which is relevant to a particular search is an integral part of this role. candidates must be avid internet enthusiasts. if you love browsing the web and can follow specific guidelines to rate websites, then we want to hear from you!
the goal of image/video judging is to:
• measure the relevance of the customers search engine in providing the best user experience when searching for images/videos. improving the click through experiences for end users is the main goal of the hrs multimedia system. • rate queries and the corresponding image/video results using judging scale


To2Clasificados.com.ar hace todo lo posible para controlar quien (y que) publica dentro del Portal pero no puede garantizar la veracidad de la información insertada por los usuarios, ni se responsabiliza del contenido de los anuncios.
Toda la información se supone certera, pero debe ser verificada independientemente.
Kharoufeh Dalia

Buenos Aires - Capital Federal Buenos Aires


Anuncios Clasificados gratis en Argentina
Buenos Aires Capital Federal Costa Atlantica
  La Pampa Catamarca
Chaco Chubut Córdoba
Corrientes Entre Ríos Formosa
Jujuy La Rioja Mendoza
Misiones Neuquén Río Negro
Salta San Juan San Luis
Santa Cruz Santa Fe Santiago del Estero
Tierra del Fuego Tucumán

Anuncios Clasificados de Argentina.
Un desarrollo de programador php

Clasificados Gratis Argentinos - sitios argentinos - La Plata - autos La Plata - criaderos y criadores - Avisos Gratis