crowdsourcing program- argentina
ubicación Buenos Aires
language: spanish
location: argentina - work from home
status: independent contractor, part-time
job description
as an internet crowd worker your ultimate goal will be to contribute towards making internet search and online products more exciting, relevant and interesting for all end users in your market. the main purpose of this role is to perform research and to capture your opinions to ensure we achieve the best results possible to make a difference to the user experience. in this role the quality of your contribution and your work is of utmost importance for us, our clients and most importantly for your own success on the program. hours for this role are a minimum of 10, maximum of 20 hours per week depending on availability. this is a freelance, independent contractor position. payment is on a per task basis, the rate will be linked to task complexity. requirements
• fluency in written and verbal english and spanish
• preferred level of education/certification – bache
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