part time, work from home, technical tester
ubicación Buenos Aires
are you looking for the opportunity to work with one of america’s top 100 most trusted companies while also growing your income from the comfort of your home? then why not join lionbridge as a part-time independent contractor. we are recruiting immediately for the role of technical tester argentina
what does the job involve? this is a work from home opportunity with the chance to work on exciting new products and services not yet released to market. experience of setting up and configuring testing environments is required for this role, as configuration & setup of customer third-party applications is required. who is suitable for this job? we are looking for experienced software testers. you should also be flexible, reliable and have the ability to interpret and follow established guidelines. what are the main requirements for the job? • you must be living in argentina
• fluency in english and spanish both spoken and written
• android phone user with minimum of version
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