Empleos, Pedidos, ofrecidos, Trabajo >> Empleos Abogado, estudio juridico >> lucrătorii de construcții necesită urgent la firma

lucrătorii de construcții necesită urgent la firma

ubicación Bucuresti
hello there
our residential construction company "kbr construction company" is currently in a construction project in canada and is currently in need of construction workers for the staff of several future projects. we are hiring temporarily to start, but if you arrive on time and do an exemplary job, we are willing to consider full-time employment prospects in the near future. we are looking for construction workers with experience in concrete finishing, drywall construction and other specialties, but we can also hire individuals without previous experience. we offer educational and safe training at work, as well as advancement opportunities. for more information aboout the job offer. for people who have dreams to live in canada
if you want to be part of a young, dynamic and determined team, if you want to work in a pleasant environment, come with us!

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Thompson John

Buenos Aires - GBA e Interior Bucuresti


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